5 Effects of Substance Abuse on Your Dental Health
Source Illicit drug use and substance abuse are increasing at an alarming rate. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention states some facts which show that 23.4% of adults in America…
Kitty Kick Stix Review and Giveaway!
I have been an animal lover as long as I can remember and my three kitties are definitely my fur-kids. I am always searching for the best toys to keep them happy and…
Celebrities and Sleep
Celebs Really Do Things Differently We all love celeb gossips, don’t we? Who’s dating who, who’s getting the leading role in the new blockbuster, and so on. We are a society that devours…
Eden’s Garden Ceramic Bloom Diffuser Review
I’m sure by now you have heard just about everything about diffusers for diffusing essential oils. With so many types to choose from, how do you find one that is right for you…
- Allergies, Beauty and Skin, bees, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Food, Herbs, Slideshow, Uncategorized
The amazing benefits of bee pollen and why you should be taking it.
Bees are amazing little creatures and they create more than just honey for our tea. Bees work hard every day to create a healthy world for us and it’s time to give them…
Blog Merge, Intro Video, CBD and Eden’s Garden Reviews
Hello and Happy Sunday! So, I wanted to update everyone really quickly and let you all know that both blogs will be merged. It’s insanely hard to keep up with two separate blogs…
CBD For Sleep
Do you have trouble sleeping? I definitely do and use CBD to help out with that. Check out the new post written by a guest blogger about how CBD can help you with…
Easy Fall DIY: Orange Spice Incense
I love crafting and making my own gifts for Christmas as well. Figuring out what to buying and battling the stores isn’t my idea of fun and it kind of takes all the…
The blog has a page!
Hey all, I would love your support over at Facebook! Check out the page and get all posts delivered right to the feed. Please leave feedback and share! Thanks for your support!
Email Subscribers Glitch
Hi all, I am hoping you are getting this. I had a glitch in my email subscribers list again and may have deleted all of you. If I have, please subscribe…
Easy Overnight Iced Tea
I love iced tea. I have to say it’s my third favorite beverage behind coffee and water! I usually only order it when I go to a place out to eat, but lately…
More RV troubles, life stress and putting you first.
I have not abandoned the blog! Things have been up in the air getting our RV fixed. We have been stuck again with issues with our exhaust and are still waiting to get…
Have you ever wanted to blog?
Looking for guest bloggers! Write about natural health and important causes, do product reviews and more! Wanna learn more? Comment or PM me. This is a volunteer position but when I receive products…
Email glitch for subscribers.
Hello, Some of you may have received an email asking you if you want to unsubscribe. I apologize for this. It’s a glitch of some sort and it’s being fixed, I apologize…
We have a winner! Congrats to Jan! Jan, check your email, I have emailed you to let you know how to get your prize of the Plant Therapy Lavender Roll On! Thank you…
Okay, enough with the ads on blogs, right?
We’ve all been there. You go to Facebook or a company site or even a blog, like mine, and an ad pops up. I know, I roll my eyes and close the page.…
The Tees Are The Bees Knees!
Check out these cute tees! Now you can help support the blog and our small business! Sweet Honeybee Tees! It’s my passion to share healthy info with you and with your support, I…