Kitty Kick Stix Review and Giveaway!
I have been an animal lover as long as I can remember and my three kitties are definitely my fur-kids. I am always searching for the best toys to keep them happy and entertained. It’s not easy with three kitties, but I have finally found one toy that they all are happy with! First, here’s a little more about them. I’m not ashamed to admit I’ll take any chance I can to talk about them!

Our Cats:
We have three cats that we consider our kids and our rescue cats. Zoe is our black tuxedo kitty and she was feral as a kitten. She is nearly 10 years old and still very shy. She’s a sweet girl, but her kitten-hood wasn’t easy. She was born very small and sick and didn’t get a lot of human contact. I took her in because I fell in love with her beautiful face and little half-stache. She still hides and isn’t super thrilled about humans, but she loves our other kitties and is healthy and safe. After our 13 year old Maine Coon mix passed away, I was worried about Zoe because she and him were besties and I was afraid she would get very depressed. Then I found Odin…
Odin is our barn kitty and he is two years old now. He was born in a barn and was super friendly as a kitten and needed a home. I saw his picture on Facebook on a local group and just knew he was the one due to his little white socks and the fact he had a half-stache like Zoe! He and Zoe immediately bonded and even though we got him for her companionship, he’s now my big baby!
Rain is our little Manx kitty. She is nearly 10 years old also and she was found, by someone my husband knew, sitting by a gas pump at a gas station. She has a very tiny little nub of a tail and talks like crazy. She’s super independent and definitely my husbands cat. She likes to groom his beard and gives great tummy massages when she’s happy.
The Toys:
When my husband and I loved in Wisconsin, the veterinary office we took our cats to always had cat toys for sale and the best part was that the proceeds helped animals in need at shelters. One particular toy was a Kitty Kick Stix.
I got one just one time, I figured if my cats wouldn’t play with it, at least proceeds went to help other kitties. I was ecstatic with how much our cats went crazy over these things! They would fight over the one we got, so we kept going back to buy more and more.
When I saw an ad on Facebook about these, I was so excited that I found them again! The thing I hate about pet store type kickers is that they are never long enough for their little feet to kick them and these toys were always perfect length for the kitties little bunny feet.
I got a chance to get one from Kitty Kick Stix and review for you and man, oh man, were my cats happy campers!
Since we have three cats, they all of course wanted to play with it and it was a big hit!
A little about Kitty Kick Stix:
- All stix are made in the USA (even the filling inside the stix)
- Handmade
- Shipped in 24 hours.
- Each set purchased provides a donation to an animal shelter of your choice.
- Each stix has strong catnip and a little bell inside to keep the cat enthused!
- Fun colors and patterns for each stix!
- Quality made for safe play by kitty.
The Review:
As soon as I started opening the Kitty Kick Stix, my cat was very curious. He immediately smelled that catnip and was truly excited to play! The thing about him is this…he gets bored SO easily. He is only two years old, but very much a kitten mentally. He will play with a toy for a few minutes and then get bored. When he’s bored, he gets into things he shouldn’t. He will literally dig into the trashcan to find something to chew on, play with, bat around and this does not make momma happy. I have probably bought him just about every toy I can think of to keep him entertained and it’s not easy. These stix do the job!
He wrestles with them, licks them, kicks them, sleeps on them, throws them in the air and when he’s had enough, he takes a nap from a hard afternoon of kicking his stix. I love these toys so much. He is rough on them and they don’t rip or tear. They seem to be made exceptionally well and are really strong for even the strongest of bunny feet. There’s nothing on it he can chew off either which is awesome because he’s a chewer. I love that they are soft too. He uses it as a little pillow when he gets tired.
I really couldn’t be happier with these toys. The cats go crazy for them and with orders helping shelters, that makes me extremely happy!
Want a chance to win one for your kitty? Go to my Instagram and check out the giveaway to get a Kitty Kick Stix for your cat! All you need to do is like and follow both my page and Kitty Kick Stix, tag a friend who love to win one. A winner will be chosen at random on July 29th!
Good luck!
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Disclaimer: Sweet Honeybee Health and it’s owners are not medical professionals. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. I research and write on numerous health topics and companies. Do not use the information you find on this site as medical advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying any health remedy, no matter how safe or risk-free it may claim to be.