Exercising for Wellness: Physical, Physiological and Psychological Health Benefits
You must have heard that working out regularly is good for your health, but how good? Let’s find out how exercise improves your life.
Exercise is defined as any kind of movement that gets your muscles into work & requires the body to burn calories. It is beneficial in both ripping short and long term benefits. Workout doesn’t necessarily have to be strength training, vigorous cardio session or resistance training. It can be as simple as walking or any athletic sport such as martial arts.
Exercise helps in improving your mood, boost your energy, regulates your bodily mechanisms & even extends your life span. It benefits almost all areas of your health. It’s said if exercise can be turned into a pill, it would be a multi-million dollar industry. Fortunately, this drug is available to everyone on a sliding scale for free. A general rule is, performing at least 30-minutes of physical activity per day. If you are already into it, give yourself a break & appreciate yourself. If you are having difficulty regarding everyday motivation perhaps this article will help in inspiring you for start & sticking to your training regime.
Physical Health benefits of exercise
1)Â Â Helps with weight loss
Research shows that inactivity is the prime reason behind weight gain & obesity. How is exercise linked with weight reduction? Well, there’s a direct relation between exercise & energy expenditure.
Human body spends energy in three ways:
- Exercising
- Digesting food
- Regulating body functions such as heartbeat & breathing
Regular exercise not only increases your metabolic rate, but helps in burning more calories that is losing weight. Studies show that combining aerobic workout with resistance training help in maximizing your fat loss & muscle mass maintenance, which plays the key role for keeping your weight under control.
2)Â Â Improves your heart Health
Like the rest of the muscles in your body, your heart is also a muscle. Regular workout strengthens your heart muscles & improves your blood circulation. Increased blood flow elevates the oxygen levels in the body. Which helps in lowering the risk of heart diseases like coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, regulates blood sugar & heart attack. It also promotes positive physiological changes, like encouraging the heart’s arteries to dilate.
3)Â Â Help your body in regulating blood sugar & insulin levels
Regular physical activity helps in lowering your blood sugar level & enables your body to manage insulin in a better way. Which cuts down the risk of metabolic syndrome & diabetes. And if you are already suffering from diabetes exercise will help you in managing it.
4)Â Â Reduce the risk of chronic disease
Sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of chronic disease. Regular workout has been beneficial in improving your insulin sensitivity, heart health & body composition. Contrary to which, inadequate exercise — even in the short term — leads to increases in fat, which increases the probability of developing life threatening diseases like diabetes & heart disease.
5)Â Â Increase your life expectancy
Studies reveal that physical activity not only reduces by reversing the process of aging. It helps in staying youthful for longer.
Physiological health benefits of exercise
1)Â Â Good for your muscles & bones
Exercise plays a significant role in building & maintaining stronger muscles & bones. Activities such as weightlifting stimulate muscle building. Physical activity helps in releasing hormones which promote your muscles ability to absorb amino acids. It helps them in growing & reducing their breakdown. Humans with age tend to lose muscle and bone mass which increase the chances of injury. Working out regularly prevents that.
Research suggests that intense exercise, like gymnastics, martial arts and running, help in promoting higher bone density compared to non-impact sports such as swimming & cycling. Buy premium quality workout clothes from here.
2)Â Â Increase your energy levels
Exercise is a real energy booster for a lot of people. A study revealed that six weeks of regular exercise significantly reduces the feelings of fatigue. Moreover, exercise helps in increasing energy levels especially for people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome & serious illnesses. In fact, workout has been proved to be more effective for combating CFS than any other treatments.
3)Â Â Reduces pain
Chronic pains can be debilitating and exercise has a solution for them too. Over years exercise has been proven to be the most effective treatment of chronic pain. While improving overall quality of life. It also helps in controlling pain associated with different health conditions, such as fibromyalgia, chronic low back pain & chronic soft tissue shoulder disorder.
4)Â Â promote a better sex life
Workout have been proven to be effective for your sex drive. Regular exercise helps in strengthening your heart muscles, improve your blood circulation, tone muscles & enhance flexibility, all of this improves your sex life. It reduces your belly fat, which causes better blood flow to your sexual organs and increases your libido. Toned muscles give you more confidence in the bed, and boosted strength not only improves your sexual performance & pleasure but increases the frequency.
Mental health benefits of exercise
1)Â Â Makes you feel happier
Physical activity improves your mood while decreasing the feelings of depression, stress and anxiety. Workout produces changes in your brain that regulates stress & anxiety. Improves your brain’s sensitivity to hormones like serotonin & norepinephrine, they relieve you from feelings of depression. Additionally, it stimulates the production of endorphins, they are helpful in producing positive feelings & reduce pain perception.
Regardless of how intense your workout sessions are, your mood can always benefit from them.
 2) Help with brain memory and health
Physical activity improves your brain function & protects memory & thinking skills. It can stimulate the production of hormones which enhances growth of the brain cells. Prevention of chronic disease also translates into benefiting your brain health. Exercise engages a part of the brain known as hippocampus, this part is vital for memory & learning. Also, exercise has been proven to be helpful for reducing changes in your brain that causes conditions like Alzheimer’s & schizophrenia.
3) Helps with relaxation & sleep quality
Exercising regularly helps in relaxing & sleeping better. Energy depletion which occurs as a result of working out stimulates recuperative processes during sleep. Also, the raise of body temperature during exercise improves sleep quality. It reduces the symptoms of insomnia, and also makes you feel energized throughout the day. It’s you who chooses which training you want to do & you can be flexible with that.
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Disclaimer: Sweet Honeybee Health and it’s owners are not medical professionals. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. I research and write on numerous health topics and companies. Do not use the information you find on this site as medical advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying any health remedy, no matter how safe or risk-free it may claim to be.