Pharm Organics Soft Gels and Hemp Tincture Review UPDATED
Updated: April 10th, 2019 Wanted to go ahead and update you all on lab tests and social media for Pharm Organics! They have lab tests now available on their site here. Also, their social media is updated, so if you want to check them out on twitter or instagram, you can visit the site and check out what they have to offer! I am back with another review and this time I am reviewing some CBD soft gels and some CBD hemp tincture for you guys. These products are from a company called Pharm Organics and here’s a bit about them to get started. About Pharm Organics: Out of Kansas…
Raw Nature Labs Full Spectrum Hemp Extract 750 MG Review
The following blog post is a personal experience. This does not reflect the opinions of the company being mentioned or anyone else involved in the CBD industry. The next review is from a company called Raw Nature Labs. I tried the 750 MG unflavored tincture. Now, this particular review I did some research on and then tried it. I haven’t written really any negative reviews. I have stated some details here and there in my reviews that I may not like about the product or company, but I have always used the products I review for an extended period of time, if necessary, and noted the results. As always, I…
UPDATED: Review of Green Infused Tincture and Balm, Get A Free CBD Oil
Updated December 14th-Natural Native is now Green Infused Thank you for bearing with me as I get the new CBD site of reviews up and running smoothly. I am still moving things around so that the transition for you can be seamless and it’s easy for you to find what you are looking for. Since this site is about CBD and mainly reviews, let’s get right into our next one. This one is from Natural Native CBD and they have provided a Enhanced CBD Oil Spray and a CBD Salve. They are now called Green Infused, but this the same company so when you visit the site, don’t fret. The…
IT’S HERE! Your Black Friday CBD Savings Space!
Black Friday is here and of course I have some amazing CBD savings for you to check out. If you haven’t tried CBD or you want to stock up, this is definitely the time to do it! If you want to check out any of the reviews I have done of the products below, go to the home page and type in the search tool or use the keywords under every post. Let’s get started! Black Friday Sales! CBDVapejuice.net has 25% off your ENTIRE PURCHASE! You heard that right. 25% off your purchase! Use code BLACKFRIDAY to save on all CBD products such as the KOI cbd that I’ve…
Ever wonder about vaping etiquette?
Yes, there is actually vaping etiquette! With 25 states now on the anti-smoking ban in public, this includes vaping for a lot of them. Even though vaping is believed to be healthier for you and those around you than traditional cigarettes, some places currently do not allow it in public places and some people just simply don’t want to be around vaping either. While vaping CBD is a very popular method, it’s nice to know that there is some etiquette involved and here’s a graphic to help you know what is okay and what might not be. Even if you don’t vape CBD, it’s important to be patient and know…
CBD is a Natural Remedy for Athletic Recovery
Featured guest post from cbdvapegenius.com Acute and chronic pain is something that athletes all across the world have to deal with on a daily basis. When we workout and exercise, we put our bodies through tremendous strain. Muscles tear, joints get inflamed and we place ourselves at risk for injuries. Then, at night, when the body is ready to rest and heal itself, that pain can make it difficult to sleep. The end result is often popping over the counter pain medications and guzzling down sleep aids for quick relief. The problem is, those pain medications and sleep aids often have a long list of serious side effects and…