I Tried CBD and Here’s What Happened-Part Two
I tried CBD Oil-Part two, Sunshine Marketplace and CBD education
A while back I wrote a blog post about CBD oil and did a small review and I want to follow up now that I have used it for a while as well as because I found a product that is very effective.
I have been researching different products and recently discovered Sunshine
I honestly didn’t expect much due to the fact I felt I got minimal help before and when I say minimal, I just mean it didn’t do what I thought it would over the hype of the new popularity of the product. I assumed all CBD Oils were equal.
Boy, was I wrong.
I’m on several social media outlets and enjoy posting about the blog and my husband and my RV adventures, our cats and of course natural health topics.
I posted a while back about CBD oil and my post was liked by HempConnex. I followed them back and checked out their site and realized they had a sample deal. I got to sample their Agape Body Oil and their Daily Connex CBD oil.
Now, just a little backstory…I have been suffering with chronic pain, neuropathy, insomnia and anxiety for the last several years. When I heard about CBD, I tried a few different brands, but couldn’t always afford to keep purchasing and didn’t really feel a huge improvement. I did feel it was helpful, but maybe not to the expectations I initially had.
Fast forward to now…I tried the samples and have been using them daily and I have felt huge improvement!
I was shocked that after two days, my foot tingling and numbness decreased, my anxiety decreased and I fell asleep easier.
Now, it didn’t cure my issues, but a decrease in these issues is really all I hoped for. I wanted to have some sort of quality of life back.
With research, I realized that with consistent use, I can expect even more positive results and I am over the moon knowing that this is helping.
So let me give you a little info on CBD in general and this company too. CBD oil isn’t a new thing, but it’s getting a lot of new press lately and I’ve spoken to many people who are taking it and they’ve got amazing stories of relief from pain, sleeplessness, anxiety and so much more.
CBD has been studied extensively by medical professionals and scientists, as well as just people who want to have a better quality of life without addictive or harmful medications.
CBD is actually considered a medicine and it goes through rigorous testing standards just like any other medication that helps treats conditions that affect our lives every day.
It’s been shown to treat chronic pain conditions, mental illnesses such as anxiety and schizophrenia, epilepsy, cancer and it’s symptoms and more.
Q: So what’s the difference between CBD and Marijuana?
CBD is a part of the Cannabis Sativa plant just like THC is, but the difference is that CBD is part of over 80 things called Cannabidiols. They are the ingredients in the plant that give off particular effects. THC is one and this is the one we associate the high feeling that is received from smoking pot. CBD is right behind that and while it has the same health benefits that THC can give, it doesn’t give you the high you would get from just smoking some pot. This is what is making CBD so amazing for so many people. Get the same health benefits, without impairing your judgement or giving you any psychoactive effects and it does not give some symptoms that weed can give you such as a paranoia, anxiety and stress. CBD is known to basically flip these effects and give you relief of those symptoms already present in your life for various reasons. This is why it’s successfully being used to treat mental disorders.
CBD is being used in not only oil form, but also in vaporizing, wax form, and in edibles.
Pets are even getting the benefits of CBD for pain and anxiety.
Q: Okay, so what about addiction? Can I get addicted to it?
No and that’s another interesting thing about it…CBD can actually hinder the psychoactive attributes of THC, making them less severe and this is helping those who are using both CBD and THC. It also is being studied to help those addicted to opioids by reducing the “high” feeling that narcotics give them while keeping them less anxious, which is, in my opinion, a very important part of recovery.
Q: Does it show up on drug tests?
The possibility is so very low that it’s unlikely.
Drug tests are usually basically set up to detect certain cannabidiols that may cause impairment, one of them being THC.
CBD is not typically on a drug tested to be tested due to the fact it doesn’t impair someone the way THC does.
Q: But I heard there is THC in CBD, is this true?
Technically, yes, but the amount is so small, that it won’t give the high effects smoking marijuana would. It’s actually impossible to get high from CBD oil, no matter how much you take.
Q: What’s the difference between Hemp and CBD?
First, they are harvested and processed differently for specific reasons.
When hemp is growing, it has long stalks that are made up of very strong, fibers and this is specifically the reason why hemp is used in clothing and for making jewelry and the use of hemp oil from the plant, has no THC in it and is harvested specifically for its amazing benefits of the hemp oil.
I use Hemp oil in all my body products including my essential oils and home-made salves for its amazing moisturizing benefits without the greasy feel and also it’s natural inflammatory properties. You can even take it as is by the teaspoon for a great source of your necessary fatty acids.
CBD is refined specifically for its oil in the form we are mainly discussing and it is a very concentrated form, some people using it in foods, medicines and topical application for skin and pain issues and again, it cannot get you high.
Marijuana is bred specifically for its high levels of THC and used recreationally as well as therapeutically.
Both hemp oil and CBD oil are forms that have such low amounts of THC, literally traces, that they cannot get you high and cannot affect you in a psychoactive way, as well will not cause you to fail a drug test.
CBD really is the next great thing and there’s a movement behind it because of its health benefits and how it is changing the lives of not only adults, but it’s being given to children and pets too! Also, those suffering from severe disease such as cancer because it’s been shows to help prevent and treat cancer by preventing it from metastasizing (spreading).
It is also being studied to see if could one day become a better option for antidepressants so that those on medications, can be on a more natural aid to help them with their depression. This is why I am so excited about it!
It seems the more research I do, I more I am really confident about CBD. I am going to continue doing research. I want to live a healthy, happy life too and finding something that is helping is really a huge relief. I have peace of mind now. I don’t have to lay awake wondering if I’ll be miserable forever.
Check out My Landing Page CBD to read up about it, watch videos and see testimonials. I’ll be posting a in-depth one on myself shortly, but I wanted to share this excitement with you guys.
If you are interested in trying CBD, you can orders samples and all you have to do is pay S&H. This is how I started with Hempconnex and it’s a great way to try a product before buying because CBD can be pricey, but a nice thing about Hempconnex is that it’s actually one of the more affordable companies I have found.
At the bottom of the page, there is a green button that says TRY FREE SAMPLES (like the picture below)
I am in love with the Agape Body Spray, it smells like fresh, summer oranges and cream and is soft and light
If you have any questions, please contact me! I would love to help you in your CBD journey and I’ll post much more as times goes on and I experience even better results!
Use code HONEYBEE10 for 10% off!
Much love!