Healthy habits for happy felines!
Featured image owned by Tiffany Baierl: R.I.P. Marshall
I love our cats more than anything and they are so much fun, such good companions and definitely members of our family so we make sure that they are fed well and kept engaged and I’ve learned a few things through my many years of being a cat mom and a past vet tech student and I want to share some awesome finds that keep our kitties happy and healthy and may even help pet parents be happier too!
- Choose food bowls wisely: This doesn’t have to be a big stressor or a big expense, but it’s important. You’ll see a lot of different bowls to choose from at stores, but there are two particular types I find to be the best and the healthiest. First, ceramic. If you choose ceramic, make sure it’s food safe and made specifically for pets. Stay away from any bowl that doesn’t list these details on the label. A glaze that isn’t food and pet safe could potentially have ingredients that are harmful your pets health. Stainless steel is the next choice and this is what we use. We use stainless steel because they are easy to clean and won’t hold harmful bacteria, especially if you use a raw or wet diet on your kitty. Stainless steel is also really durable and relatively inexpensive. Also, make sure to elevate your pet bowls. Elevated bowls provide better digestion for those tummies and if you have a cat, you may have dealt with a sensitive stomach already. We use this one and it’s awesome because the bottom holds food and it comes with two stainless steel bowls that fit perfectly inside. It’s easy to clean and is nicely elevated. We have actually noticed less stomach upset and accidents after getting this particular bowl set up. You can get this one in a smaller size too and different colors if you prefer. Basic stainless bowls will cost in the range of a few dollars up to $20 at your local store, so you are sure to find some that work for you.
- Clean the bowl regularly: Have you ever noticed a slimy film on the bottom of your pets bowl? Well, that is called biofilm and it’s growth of micro-organisms that basically hold a lot of bacteria and this can cause infections in your pet. It’s really important to clean those bowls regularly and making sure they have fresh, clean water several times a day will also prevent this from happening as quickly.
- Choose the right litter box: Now you may love your current litter box because of it’s size, color, or maybe because the hood on top covers up the litter from being seen, but these things may not work for your cat. Have you noticed your cat not using their box or maybe using the bathroom right outside of it? If you’ve already taken your cat to the vet and everything is okay, think of their box. If you have multiple cats, a hooded box may not be the right option. Cats don’t want to be snuck up on, especially while doing their business and a hooded box also holds all those odors inside, it’s kind of like a porta-potty for a cat. Once they step in, they have to breathe all those stinky smells into their lungs, definitely not healthy. A good litter box is also only good if it’s in a good location and is big enough for your cat. Put the box away from food and water and away from noisy locations. Also, make sure they can completely turn around while inside the box. If you keep the box clean, they shouldn’t and you shouldn’t have a issue with odor.
- Clean the box: As mentioned above, you gotta clean that box regularly and more if you have more than one cat. You may have to clean it several times a day, but this not only keeps odors down in your home, but also keeps the kitties happy. Our cat actually sits outside the box and stares at us if he feels it isn’t quite clean enough. They want a clean box, just like we don’t want to use a dirty toilet to do our business. The more you scoop, the less mess you have and the easier it is. Make sure you completely clean the box every month with a unscented, safe detergent and water and replace your box at least ever 6 months.
- Choose the right litter: This is really important! You may think the most expensive, nicest smelling litter is going to the job, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes store brand litters do the job just fine and as far as scented litters, these are made for us, the human. We want a nice smelling house, but a cat just wants to do their business in a clean box. The scents used are typically fragrances made from chemicals and this isn’t good for their lungs, it also may irritate them, causing them to avoid the box all together. Unscented litters are all we use and as long as we clean the box and scoop, we notice no smells at all. Also, try to find a litter with very low dust. That’s another thing that they are breathing in. This is a litter we love and even though it’s kind of strange looking, it’s really effective. It’s unscented, doesn’t leave a dusty cloud and controls odor. It’s also easy to see on carpet when litter paws leave a litter piece or two behind. See the bottom of the page for a $10 off coupon making your first bag only $4.99 with free shipping in the US.
- Keep them engaged: Keeping any pet entertained is really important! Pets can get bored and feel the need to get into things they shouldn’t or even be destructive or act out when they are bored and with cats, I feel this is really important to keep them entertained. I discovered a few apps on my tablet that they love! There is one called Cat Fishing 2.3 and my cat loves this one! It’s from Friskies, the cat food brand and you can download and let your cat play it for free. They actually get to catch the fish or bug (in the Jitterbug version) and get points everytime they catch one. It has sound effects too!
Another amazing game that my cat loves is called Lonely Cat Toy. It has a variety of different little catching games for your cat and as you can see from the video below, he goes crazy.
Another great resource are videos for cats on YouTube. I found videos that are basically up close action shots of squirrels, birds and other animals and my cats love watching them so much. This engages them and keeps them entertained while keeping them inside where they are safe and it’s perfect when they are looking out a window, but the birds or other wildlife aren’t doing much outside.
You can find more of these here at this channel.
Let me know how you keep your cats happy and healthy by commenting below and don’t forget to share with this with your friends!
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Disclaimer: Sweet Honeybee Health and it’s owners are not medical professionals. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. I research and write on numerous health topics and companies. Do not use the information you find on this site as medical advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying any health remedy, no matter how safe or risk-free it may claim to be.

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