How CBD Helps With Postpartum Depression
Source As a woman steps into the shoes of motherhood, what accompanies are joy, excitement, responsibility, fear, uncertainty, and anxiousness. It involves a jumble of emotions. When such clutter of feelings negatively hits you, it can form depression. In the case of new moms, the term is postpartum depression (PPD). Do not confuse it with baby blues, as postpartum depression involves many severe symptoms. Baby blues are a common form of depression that happens after childbirth. Some symptoms are: Mood swing (sadness, anger, overwhelmed) Crying Sleep disturbances Irritation Anxiety Loss of appetite Impatience Fatigue These are normal to occur due to changes in lifestyle. But for…
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions are hard to deal with for both the sufferer and their loved ones. It’s important to educate ourselves. It’s also important to understand that it’s okay to ask for help. You don’t have to suffer alone and there is support. Text 741-741 anytime, 24/7 to text a counselor for help. I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression practically my whole life. I thought I was broken and damaged. As I got older, I realized that getting help was a part of self-care and health care. As scary as it feels, it’s much scarier to think of living in the depths of depression forever without…
New reviews, vaping etiquette, story submissions and some inspiration (i hope!).
Sometimes life gets in the way of the things we want to do. It’s not so easy for all of us to just get up and get things done and unfortunately, that is part of my problem. I have a really hard time getting up and getting moving mentally and physically when I am not feeling my best and my inner desires to get things done tend to fall to the bottom of my priority list. I get done what is absolutely necessary and then there are things, like writing, that I get stuck by. I think lately I’ve had writers block and a lot of that is due to…
How CBD helped me through my toughest times.
September is self-care month and I want to finish up this month by telling a little story about something that happened to me recently regarding CBD and anxiety. This also explains why I haven’t written a blog post in a few weeks and some exciting news I want to share with my amazing readers. First, my blog was chosen to as a top 40 blog in the list of best CBD blogs and you can read about it here. Check out the ribbon on the front page and check out all the other amazing CBD blogs out there too! If you’ve been following the blog, you probably have read about…
A personal testimonial about CBD and recovery by Andrew.
I started writing my blogs because my passion is helping others. I want to know that I have helped someone and that the content I write about helps others too. I am so happy that my readers are being affected by CBD in such positive ways! This testimonial was submitted by a reader, Andrew, who wanted to share his experience with CBD and his recovery. I am so touched and excited that CBD is helping so many people and love that I get the honor of sharing this with all of you. If you have a experience you would like to share, please fill out the form at the bottom…