5 CBD Myths Busted
CBD often gets a bad rap. That’s because it gets lumped with THC and weed and users are viewed as “pot heads” or “stoners”. Truth be told, not only is CBD a completely different substance that THC or marijuana, but most users are looking for much needed relief for physical and mental ailments. Before you pass judgment on CBD, check out these 5 myths and find out the truth about this highly beneficial substance.
- CBD Will Get You High
For those people who place CBD and THC under the same umbrella, they usually believe that both products get you high. But this simply isn’t the case. In fact, CBD oil contains only traces of THC — less than .3% in most cases. Because of its low THC levels, CBD doesn’t have the same psychoactive effects on users that THC often does. It’s also less likely to show up on drug test kits. Drug tests are looking for THC levels in users, so a positive result depends on the amount of CBD and THC you’ve consumed recently. THC is the main cannabinoid found in marijuana. When people think of smoking weed and “getting high”, they’re referring to THC consumption. Marijuana is used for both recreational and medicinal reasons but is currently only legal in a handful of states across the country. In varying degrees, the use of CBD is more widely accepted and legal. Another major difference between CBD and THC is that not most people don’t use CBD for recreational use. Because it doesn’t offer users a “high” the way THC does, people use CBD to help treat physical and mental ailments such as insomnia, stress, and even migraine headaches. Although medicinal marijuana containing THC is growing in popularity and use, the recreational purpose of smoking weed is to achieve a euphoric and relaxed feeling.
- CBD is Illegal
There is much debate over the question of whether or not CBD is legal or not. Because most CBD contains such minimal traces of THC, its use is technically legal in all 50 states. But because of the varying degrees of THC found in CBD and the countless manufacturers, cultivators, and sellers, there’s no way to accurately regulate its use, distribution, or THC levels. Every state has its own laws regarding the legality of THC and CBD. Currently, 10 states have legalized the use of marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use and another 33 states have approved its use for medical reasons. Recent polls also show that the acceptance of marijuana and support for its legalization is rising across the country. As more people learn and understand the scope of its many benefits and its intended purpose, they recognize the positive impact it has on people’s lives. The greatest debate over whether or not to legalize marijuana is that it does contain THC and under federal law is considered an illegal controlled substance. Because CBD contains little to no traces of THC, it’s legalization is more widely accepted and debatable.
- CBD is a Sedative
Many people associate both THC and CBD use with being “stoned” or “high” to the point of complete sedation, but this simply isn’t the case. In fact, in low doses, CBD actually has the opposite effect and can help users feel more alert and focused. Higher doses of CBD do elicit feelings of relaxation and calm and help those suffering from insomnia and other sleep disorders achieve sleep. But CBD itself isn’t the cannabis compound that has sedative properties at all. Another active ingredient known as myrcene is actually what gives certain cannabis strains their sedative properties.
- A Little Goes a Long Way
There’s many instances in life where less is more. CBD use isn’t necessarily one of them. If you’ve never used CBD or cannabis products before, it’s recommended that you start with a low dose. This way, you can see how your body reacts to it and slowly increase your dosage from there. Many factors go into determining the right dosage for your needs including your age, sex, and weight. You also need to consider the desired effects, what you’re treating, and if CBD use will interact with any medications you’re currently taking. The potency of the CBD is another factor to consider when choosing a dosage. User need lower doses of high-quality, highly potent CBD. The less potent the CBD, the more you’ll likely need to achieve the same desired effects. And like with any other “drug”, your body may develop a tolerance to certain levels of CBD over time. At this point, you may need to reevaluate your dosage needs. It’s interesting to note that in some people, CBD may actually create a reverse tolerance, where smaller doses are needed as your CBD use progresses.
- All CBD is the Same
This is a very common myth but one of the most inaccurate. Not all CBD is created equal. A variety of different factors come into play when discussing CBD’s potency and effects on users. One of the main factors determining the quality and strength of the CBD you choose is how it’s extracted. There are several ways to extract CBD oil from the hemp plant and some are more pure than others. Two of the most common extraction processes are CO2 extraction and ethanol. CO2 extraction is one of the best ways to extract high-quality CBD oil from the hemp plant. Sadly, it’s also an extremely expensive and involved process that requires special equipment and closely monitored conditions. Which is why CBD oil using this process is extracted at 90% efficiency. The ethanol process involves using ethanol gas to remove the CBD from the hemp plant but also kills parts of the plant’s wax, which are valuable to some cultivators. Because the distribution of CBD is highly unregulated, sellers can add byproducts and other ingredients not listed on their labels. The level of THC found in CBD oil also varies greatly, making research about the product you’re buying so important.
Whether you currently use CBD or are considering it, it’s important to be informed and stay informed. New and amazing benefits and advancements regarding CBD and its use are constantly surfacing. And with so much information in circulation, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. But these 5 myths should help clear up some of the misconceptions you’ve heard.
Written by guest blogger: Kim Taylor. Kim is a wife, mother, and lover of all things holistic and natural. When she isn’t spending time with her family, she enjoys being in nature, yoga, and reading.
Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. All opinions are strictly my own and do not reflect the company or product I am reviewing. Disclaimer: Sweet Honeybee Health and its owners are not medical professionals. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. I research and write on numerous health topics and companies. Do not use the information you find on this site as medical advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying any health remedy, no matter how safe or risk-free it may claim to be. This blog may contain posts by guest bloggers. These posts may not reflect the opinion of sweethoneybeehealth.com or any affiliates that are posted or mentioned on this page. CBD Disclaimer: While some CBD products contain THC, there are many that do not. If you have question about the content of CBD in a product, contact the CBD company for these questions. Reputable companies should have no more than 0.3% or less THC in their product and this should not produce any psychoactive effects.