CBD is for children too!
Some of the most promising advancements in health and wellness right now are cannabinoids. Mainly extracted from the cannabis plant, there are over 100 different cannabinoids known, among which are THC and CBD. Year after year we see CBD and THC getting more and more attention sometimes because of their recreational popularity but primarily because of their medicinally beneficial properties.
It’s a little known fact all humans have what’s called an endocannabinoid system (ECS). It’s packed with receptors designed specifically to interact with cannabinoids such as THC, CBD and dozens of their other counterparts. The ECS is hard at work from birth utilizing cannabinoids naturally found in breast milk and helping to regulate basic human functions such as immunity, pain/inflammation, metabolism, sleep and more. That’s right from the youngest of newborn babies all the way to the most elder of elders we all have the ability to interact with and benefit from cannabinoids.
Can CBD harm children?
Not at all! Remember kids, and most importantly our children, have the same exact ECS as adults and benefit from CBD in the same way we do. It’s always a best practice to run any regiment by your pediatrician but we’ve seen plenty examples of children safely consuming CBD, effectively benefitting from its wellness properties and experiencing no negative side effects.
So what exactly are children using CBD for?
Well, since they have the same ECS as adults they, too, reap the same benefits that we do. Some of those benefits include relief from pain, inflammation and anxiety but CBD has also proven effective with epilepsy, PTSD and metabolic regulation.
It’s also fair to note CBD oil has a decent lipid profile. It’s high in polyunsaturated fats, arguably the second most healthy type of fat to consume and it’s rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
How do children consume CBD?
Well, this where adults and children can start to differ. You may have noticed some people prefer to vape their CBD and this is obviously not the recommendation for children. Generally, kids CBD products are also going to have lower dosages. Children are smaller than us and don’t require as much CBD as adults to get the job done. Currently, CBD for children can be found in normal delivery methods such as oils and capsules but there are also more creative ways to give your little one some CBD relief treats such as candies, chocolates and even gummies.
It’s not uncommon for parents and their children to use CBD together – kind of like a tea party or picnic except with therapeutic benefits. While CBD isn’t officially recognized as a cure the relief it provides can be second to none. Let’s also take a moment to recognize the relief that parents feel when they see their children healthy and contempt. Many parents will understand that once their little one is relieved then so are they. Relieved healthy children have significant wellness effects on the entire household. Simply having contempt kids can aid your whole home with sleep quality, stress levels and over all domestic balance. Couple those effects with the wellness benefits of CBD and we’ve got a synergistic effect here.
Bottom line is there are plenty of similarities between adults and children regarding their abilities to interact with CBD. There are just some details to pay attention to when considering if a CBD regiment will be right for your child. Most importantly, be mindful of dosages, ingredients and any changes in their conditions or behaviors. CBD won’t be a good fit for 100% of all children but it could very well be a household solution for you and your family.
By: Guest Blogger, Stone Everett at http://ReliefTreats.com/
Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. All opinions are strictly my own and do not reflect the company or product I am reviewing. Disclaimer: Sweet Honeybee Health and its owners are not medical professionals. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. I research and write on numerous health topics and companies. Do not use the information you find on this site as medical advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying any health remedy, no matter how safe or risk-free it may claim to be. This blog may contain posts by guest bloggers. These posts may not reflect the opinion of sweethoneybeehealth.com or any affiliates that are posted or mentioned on this page. CBD Disclaimer: While some CBD products contain THC, there are many that do not. If you have question about the content of CBD in a product, contact the CBD company for these questions. Reputable companies should have no more than 0.3% or less THC in their product and this should not produce any psychoactive effects.