Promo Codes & Coupons:
- Can I use a promo code or coupon that you provided?Limit one per customer, per cart purchase.
- Expired coupons will not be honored.
Do you ship outside of the US?
- We’re sorry, but international shipping is not available at this time.
Can you gift wrap?
- Special requests or preferences (gift wrap/boxes, extra samples…ect) are accepted on a case by case basis by level of difficulty, price, or supply availability. Please fill out the form below for any questions or requests.
Return Policy:
What if I am not happy with my purchase?
- Returns are not available at this time unless the item is received damaged.
- I make sure that all my products are not shipped damaged, unusable, broken, leaking, or missing items, but unfortunately these events can occur during shipping. If you receive a product that fits these guidelines, please contact me as soon as you receive your product and I will gladly refund or replace your product.
- Refunds are processed only after the original product is received by me. When you ship your product back, please keep your tracking number and insurance is suggested. If your product has a tracking number, but is lost in transit, once I confirm this information, I may be able to refund or send a replacement product.
- All returns must be shipped back exactly as they were received. Please keep all packaging and inserts or item samples, these must be included in your product with the exception of essential oil samples. Please note: you will not receive an additional essential oil sample with a replacement product, so you do not need to include this in your replacement request.
Bead Information:
Where do you get the beads you use?
- The beads I use are bought from local, small shop owners who have unique and one of a kind bulk beads for sale. Because of this, there may be variations in color and “imperfections” within the bead since they are handmade.
- For beads that are “filler” beads, I buy from local bead shops or online retailers for the purpose of having beads that are similar or a copy of another so that I can create a uniform product.
- Please note that if you buy two custom made beaded products, the beads may not be exact copies of others (ex. color hues and shades, shape, size.) I will try to make your order a duplication of another if you wish, but you must request this prior to production.
- If you have any problems with your order, the ordering process, the products I feature or offer or if you have feedback or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do my very best to help you in any way I can. My blog and shop are my passion and I want to make sure my members and customers are completely satisfied. Keeping that in mind, this is a new venture for me and I am still working out the bugs, while I do not ever intend to make mistakes on orders, information, or item availability, this can happen. Again, please contact me with any questions, concerns, comments, or ideas!