Marijuana vs. Low THC CBD Flower – What’s the Difference?
Move over, marijuana. High CBD hemp flower is here.
Think of low THC CBD flower as the best of both worlds. Unlike the stoner favorites of the past, high CBD hemp won’t be getting anyone high anytime soon. On the other hand, it is still ultra-relaxing.
Here’s what you need to know about low THC, high CBD hemp flower — and how you can infuse it into your own life.
- Cannabinoids 101
- The history of hemp
- Why marijuana can be too strong for some people
- Why you might want to try CBD flower
Cannabinoids 101
CBD flower produces a pretty diverse set of plant compounds. Between the cannabinoids, terpenes, flavones, and other polyphenols, some experts estimate there’s 400 of them, and there could be even more.
But for now, let’s just focus on the cannabinoids. There are two major ones, THC and CBD, and around 120 others…notably CBG, CBN, and CBC. Different cannabinoids have different (though often overlapping) characteristics; THCv, for example, is an anti-inflammatory as THC but has an opposite effect on appetite. Hemp is the richest natural source of CBD, while marijuana is the richest natural source of THC.
And then there’s the central effect that pretty much all cannabinoids have. According to Ph.D. biologist Bob Melamede, both THC and CBD reduce cellular friction and allow our bodies to stay in balance when it’s time to adapt to new things. In other words, cannabinoids may help promote full-body balance.
The history of hemp:
When the hemp plant came into fashion several thousand years ago, ancient cultures rejoiced. Here was a plant that could be used to make ropes, clothing, foods, potions, and topical lotions.
Early western doctors were familiar with hemp’s natural goodness, too. After studying the plant’s use among epileptic patients in 1830’s India, physician William Brooke O’Shaughnessy declared hemp “an anti-convulsive remedy of the greatest value.” Upon his return to Britain, O’Shaughnessy began making early hemp tinctures designed to help a wide variety of different ailments.
Why do we bring up these historical tidbits? Because both the efficacy and popularity of yesteryear’s hemp was all thanks to its natural cannabinoid content! Traditional cannabis — aka hemp — was high in CBD, low in THC, and rich in resinous terpenes. It was this unique cannabinoid ratio that probably made hemp so impressively effective.
Why marijuana can be too strong for some people:
Marijuana stats
THC: 15-20%
CBD: 0-5%
THC:CBD ratio: 3:1 or higher
Psychotropic: yes
Calming: yes
Sleep-promoting: yes
Addictive: very rarely
Much like today’s commercial fruits are nothing like the boysenberries and crabapples of year’s past, today’s marijuana is nothing like its hempier ancestors. It contains tons of mind-altering THC…and very little of the CBD that would’ve traditionally balanced THC out.
The difference this skewed cannabinoid profile creates is a tangible one. People who smoke too much marijuana may experience anxiety, paranoia, heart palpitations, and more. Heavy users are at risk for developing something called cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, or cannabis-related nausea. It’s thought that too much exposure to THC can actually desensitize endocannabinoid receptors over time, similar to how chronic opioid intake can mess up the endorphin system.
Not that THC is inherently bad or anything. Like all other cannabinoids, it’s anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and more. It’s just that any cannabinoid does best when it’s used according to its natural balance. THC, if taken out of its natural context, can eventually cause problems.
If a more natural THC:CBD ratio is what you’re after, then opting for low THC CBD flower is probably the best way to go.
Why you might want to try CBD flower
CBD flower stats
THC: under .3%
CBD: 5-20%
THC:CBD ratio: 1:15 or lower
Psychotropic: no way
Calming: yes
Sleep-promoting: yes
Addictive: anti-addictive, actually!
Both marijuana users and ‘regular’ CBD users stand to benefit from CBD flower.
Cannabis connoisseurs will probably love how CBD flower balances them out, reducing THC’s side effects while making THC-induced upliftment even more enjoyable. Another thing: the anti-inflammatory effects of THC and CBD likely become stronger when the two cannabinoids are taken together.
CBD users, on the other hand, may find that low THC CBD flower supercharges their current CBD routine. If you’ve been wondering why CBD isn’t working for you, wonder no more — one of the potential reasons could be that your CBD doesn’t have enough terpenes in it.
Terpenes are basically what makes CBD tick, and low THC CBD flower is chock full of them. A 2015 study discovered that terpenes are partially responsible for making full spectrum CBD four times more powerful than CBD isolate. It’s thought that terpenes open the metaphorical door to endocannabinoid receptors, allowing CBD and other cannabinoids to get absorbed better. Scientists call this phenomenon the entourage effect.
If you’re ready to experience the full force of nature’s entourage effect, without the weird side effects of THC…then low THC CBD flower might be the next logical step for you.
Nicholas Rubright is a digital marketing specialist at Cannaflower – a company that specializes in premium CBD flower products. In his free time, Nicholas enjoys writing and playing music.
Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. All opinions are strictly my own and do not reflect the company or product I am reviewing. Disclaimer: Sweet Honeybee Health and its owners are not medical professionals. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. I research and write on numerous health topics and companies. Do not use the information you find on this site as medical advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying any health remedy, no matter how safe or risk-free it may claim to be. This blog may contain posts by guest bloggers. These posts may not reflect the opinion of sweethoneybeehealth.com or any affiliates that are posted or mentioned on this page. CBD Disclaimer: While some CBD products contain THC, there are many that do not. If you have question about the content of CBD in a product, contact the CBD company for these questions. Reputable companies should have no more than 0.3% or less THC in their product and this should not produce any psychoactive effects.