General Health,  Travel

Weird illness, antibiotics, and natural immune boosters

My husband and I are on our RV ADVENTURE, traveling the country and it’s been an experience.

This may be a long post, but stay with me for some good info.

We started out in Wisconsin and are making our way to FL to see family and do some RV renovations, then take our time seeing the sites and the beautiful country out west.

Things have been going okay so far, but we are dealing with some issues.

First, we have no running water and have tried everything to fix it. We have researched, bought parts, had help and cannot figure out what is wrong. We have run out of money this month to get a professional to look at it so we are using bottled water and drinking water in gallons to wash dishes, shower and such. Fortunately, most of the campgrounds we have gone to have laundry and bath houses so at least we can do those things, but it’s been challenging.

Next, the AC in our RV is not working. It comes on, but there is no cool air at all. Again, fortunately, this is fall/winter season so we aren’t suffering too bad and I have purchased quite a few fans and they are amazing!


These little fans are powerful, flexible and USB adaptable and for less than ten bucks, I think that’s a great deal.

Last but not least, I got sick. Well sort of sick; bellybutton sick. Okay, I’ll explain….so I was feeling a soreness in my bellybutton. I figured it was either due to my kitten’s fascination with belly buttons (I don’t even know) and maybe he scratched it or I ran into something again (clumsy and not used to space restrictions).

Well, it was very sore and red and I decided to clean it and a pus explosion happened! Gross, I know. I had never heard of any kind of belly button infection before so I was concerned. Went to a urgent care in Illinois, near the Walmart we boon-docked at, but they didn’t take my insurance. We ended up having to drive back to Wisconsin and go to a urgent care there. I was told it was definitely infected, and it was seriously red and swollen.


I didn’t have a fever, which is good news, but being we were not in our regular town, I couldn’t go to my regular doctor. The urgent care was amazing and they prescribed me an antibiotic. They said it was cellulitis umbilicus which basically means BELLYBUTTON INFECTION. The doctor did say that I might have needed an ultrasound if the infection was underneath the belly in the abdomen because that can affect internal organs and even cause sepsis, but thank goodness, I didn’t need that.

We headed to a Walgreens near by (because they were open 24 hours) and due to a issue with miscommunication through my old insurance and my new, they couldn’t fill it. Needless to say, we were annoyed. We had RX transferred to a Target, who is my regular pharmacy, and the same issue happened.

At this point, I was pretty concerned. It was Sunday night before Labor day and the doctor I saw said it was pretty imperative to get this antibiotic and he said it could turn bad very quickly.

I remembered my mom sent me a article about a prescription discount service called GoodRx and I was able to compare prices with their card and got my RX for about $13 vs. $139, so yes, i was thrilled.

We then went to a SHOPKO, because it was in our area at that time, and they were able to get me what I needed.

I then headed over to a vitamin shoppe to get probiotics and colloidal silver. I started everything immediately and now, two days later, the redness has disappeared and it’s much less sore!

I am so relieved. So the people at GoodRX are a god send. If you have issues with RX prices, get this. It’s free of charge. It’s not a membership or a pay service, you just search your med, print out your card and take it to the pharmacy. Seriously.

So, we decided to move a reservation up two days at a place in Michigan and we are here now and taking it easy. Yesterday, I spent the day organizing and getting rid of stuff. Eric was pretty stressed over all the stuff we had and no space, so that helped a lot and today we are just chilling.

We also have family and friends in FL on the east coast and it’s a stressful time due to the the current storm so we are trying to stay busy and stay in touch.

Anyway, the moral of the story is to be sure to take any health situations seriously. I don’t like the take antibiotics or medications, but it’s necessary sometimes and can mean the difference between serious illness and getting better.

As far as antibiotics, there are great ways to keep your immune system healthy while taking necessary medications.

    1. Make sure you are taking a probiotic. A good probiotic will help your gut stay healthy before, during and after a antibiotic course and that not only helps you prevent things like yeast infections and stomach upsets, but also helps boost the immune system.
    2.  Consider something like collodial silver.

This is one of my favorite brands and it is super effective for antibiotic properties, wound healing and much more. It’s even safe to use on pets and mild to moderate skin conditions.

3. Another wonderful product that I always have on hand is Manuka Honey.


It’s amazing antibacterial and anti-fungal properties make it exceptional for healing and this, you can also use on pets. It’s amazing for health and has even been reported to treat wounds such as bed sores, hot spots on pets, cancer and so much more! Check out this article Manuka Benefits

I’ll keep updating on our journey, my health, natural health on the road and much more so stay tuned!



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Disclaimer: Sweet Honeybee Health and it’s owners are not medical professionals. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. I research and write on numerous health topics and companies. Do not use the information you find on this site as medical advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying any health remedy, no matter how safe or risk-free it may claim to be.
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Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. All opinions are strictly my own and do not reflect the company or product I am reviewing. Disclaimer: Sweet Honeybee Health and it’s owners are not medical professionals. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. I research and write on numerous health topics and companies. Do not use the information you find on this site as medical advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying any health remedy, no matter how safe or risk-free it may claim to be.

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